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 🌿 Orange peel there are common mistakes in which most people are located when they take orange are disposed of because they do not realize its treatment. This publication shows you the important benefits of orange peels, which may encourage you to catch up 🌿Interest and orange peels: 

1. The orange peel struggles a large number of crabs; Captin skin, lung, breast, stomach, and colon, also reduces the risk of liver cancer, and the reason may return to antioxidant veils, also contains peel on material called polymethox Where a protective shield is against cancer and its development in various orange members and the use of orange peel as a treatment: Mix the amount of 200 grams of orange peeled peeled with 50 g ginger powder and 50 grams. And put them in its bottom and 3 tablespoons are taken on the morning and evening for 60 days for cancer tumors. 

2. Lower blood cholesterol because of its soluble fiber content and return it to the flavinoids that reduce low-density cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood. 

3. Enhances the health and blood vessels as previously mentioned in orange benefits, as maintain blood pressure levels. 

4. Enhances the absorption of iron in the intestines due to its high content of vitamin C. 

5. Constipation is enhanced by its high food fiber facilities that facilitate intestinal work and support gastrointestinal functions which protects against constipation and treatment, and also applies 

6. Removes the maximum members or migraines, by boiling orange peel for ten minutes, and then drank. 

7- The benefits of orange peel for face and skin:

 ✨- - whiten orange peel face and save it from spots by grinding and mixing teaspoon of powder peel with a teaspoon of milk (yogurt) for a homogeneous mask is placed on this mask on 

✨- - Important for fatty skin; Where it is used to dry the grain, prevents its spread.

 ✨- - activates blood circulation; Making skin enjoyed pink and gives them freshness and vitality.

Just be hope full and do not be upset at all
