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Glass frog 

 The discovery of the real version of the frog Kermit, which is the most beautiful scientific discoveries, a research team of the amphibian research center in Costa Rica has been largely similar to the famous Sesame World Frog "The Frog Kermit The team has found the frog at the Caribbean slopes.

 There was a wonderful similarity between him and the frog Kermit. The new frog is called "Diano-Horny Heart" and is one of the glass frogs, with its transparent heritage, through which you can see its internal members from the bottom. 

The new frog is within fourteen type frog live in Costa Rica. It is the first glass frog since 1973. The frog "Dian" distinguishes the rest of the frogs is its distinctive form that looks like a "full frog", he has the same spacious white eyes and thin. 

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This bloc from the eggs dedicated from shrub in Ecuador probably belongs to a glass frog. Incredibly, you can see through the eggs to the developing frogs at home, which is often moving.

 The female glass frogs put their eggs under the leaves within a gel-like substance, and male is often near the egg site to protect them from predators such as too lazes and other large insects.

Just be hope full and do not be upset at all
