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Why float on the water ice?

 Why float on the water ice?

This is the question that baffles me, and I wanted to discuss it, and today I will give you the answer.

In order for you to know the wear of bodies less dense than water, they are the ones that in turn can float above the water.

The answer is very easy.

Mostly any substance that transforms from a liquid state to a solid is more dense, but the water in turn has the distinction of being less dense. The solid state is something that causes the ice to float above the water simply because it is less dense.

 Ice floats being 9% less dense than liquid water. In other words, bash you understand how much, one liter of ice weighed a lot less than a liter of liquid water. In this case, the heavier water neutralizes the ice, making it lighter and weighing, so the ice floats on the surface of the liquid. As a result of this idea, they were able to notice that the water of lakes and rivers freeze from the surface, and despite this, Hadi Maki, refreshing the fish, bash live, even if the surface of the lake is completely frozen, if the ice submerges the underwater creatures living in it.

Thus, the ice will be less massive and can float over the sea normally.

Just be hope full and do not be upset at all
