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Maps of President Perry, who is the discoverer of America !?

 Maps of President Perry, who is the discoverer of America !?

 The story began with the German scientist Gustav Adolf Daisman, who was summoned by the Turkish Ministry of Education at the time to archive and classify non-Islamic contents, works and books in the Saraya Topkapi Library (the seat of the ancient rulers of the Sultans that currently contains the Turkish Museum), which contains most of the archive and heritage of the Islamic and Arab region  Which was transported there during the period of Ottoman rule of the region, specifically on the ninth of October in 1929, when the scientist Gustav was able to find a group of rickety maps drawn on suede, which he immediately realized that it might be a unique revelation of the details and accuracy that it bore and which were  In some respects it exceeds the accuracy of some of the maps used at the time.  The following image is one of the remaining parts of the world map that was found, describing the remaining parts of it on the western shores of Africa and the eastern shores of South America.

 The surprising group of world map drawings dating back to the years 1517 and 1513 was drawn by the scientist, cartographer and Ottoman Admiral (Officer of the Naval Fleet) Ahmed Mohieddin Piri, who was known internationally by his name who signed a number of his works that surprised many around the world, which is (Piri Reis \  Piri Reis) or, as translated in some references, “President Perry.” Piri was appointed by the Ottoman Sultan Selim I, who was a commander and accompaniment to the Ottoman conquests at that time. Among the maps he drew was a map of the mouth of the Nile, describing the city of Cairo.

 Rhys Perry's maps are characterized by three advantages that make them controversial maps scientifically, and among those whose sources are difficult to interpret or understand the method that enabled their painter to draw them with such accuracy close to reality, and these advantages and confusing questions are as follows:

 The first puzzling feature.  The absolute accuracy with which the maps were drawn to the point that they approximate in accuracy the current maps drawn by satellites, the following image corresponds to the remainder of President Perry's second map of the world with the world as we know it today.

 The second puzzling feature.  These maps describe places that were not discovered in all sources of knowledge until then, and some of them were discovered 300 years after the period in which those maps were drawn, and the most important of these places is the Antarctic continent, whose drawings baffled scientists at two levels, the first is that they were not known at that time  The second is the most important one, which is the extreme accuracy in drawing the wild terrain that lies beneath the ice layers, which in some places reach 1700 meters in thickness!  Also, you may be interested to know that radar devices that detect the wild terrain under the snow were not invented until the fifties of the last century!  So did President Perry rely on old maps of the place?  You may be surprised to learn that this part of the earth is still the same for millions of years!  Watch the following report prepared by the US History Channel that explains in interviews with a number of geologists and history scholars this point

 The third puzzling feature.  The importance of this feature may not lie in its confusion as much as its historical importance. In his book entitled “Bahriya”, President Perry indicated that he drew his information from 10 Arab sources and 4 ancient Indian maps and from the famous explorer Christopher Columbus map, which is considered the oldest map in the world describing the two continents of America.  This map, which the whole world knows of its existence but is still missing, and the efforts of archaeologists have not succeeded in finding it, which made President Perry's map of the world the oldest existing map in the world so far describing the two American continents and one of the references for Columbus's map of the new world.  This reference to the reference calls on archaeologists to be certain of the existence of the ancient Christopher Columbus map in Turkey, but all research efforts have not succeeded so far.

Just be hope full and do not be upset at all
