How to tame a Crohn's bird
Tame a feral curlew in the following steps:
The breeder must permanently remove the food from the cage and leave the water bowl only.
And he begins to implement the second step at the same time, that is, he manually feed the curawan during the week and does not starve it.
This step continues for a full week, or according to the need or the breeder's willingness to start the process of dressing.
In this step, some people may make a mistake to re-eat the cage due to fatigue, lack of time, or preoccupation with something.
Which makes the bird receive a double message that confuses the training process, so you do not start taming until after you work to provide the appropriate conditions .....
The breeder permanently begins to provide food to the bird directly in this step, some wrong behaviors may occur from the breeder, such as the breeder may constantly jam food to the parrot, which makes the bird feel that the breeder is attacking it by eating.
He is supposed to extend his hand with food and maintain this position, and then leave the choice for the crown to come forward and eat from his hand.
So that the bird feels that it has chosen to take a step towards eating, and this is a good point that we want to reach as an indicator of progress in domestication.
Sometimes the crown takes a piece of food, and before finishing it, the breeder extends another piece until it touches its beak or presents the piece to the crown and then tries to wipe it on its head or body ???
This is also a mistake, and it should be avoided because Karawan thinks you want to take the piece of food in his mouth !!!!
And he will fight with you, attack you, or escape from you in order to keep his prize ...
The correct way is ...
That you give him the piece of food and then take a step back until he finishes it without interrupting him, so that he feels safe and at ease ..
It is a common mistake for the breeder to wave food to the caraway, which makes him feel that this is an offensive and quarrelsome process, which is also offensive and quarrelsome.
If he got a piece of food after waving it, he would preach it, tear it apart and then throw it on the ground as a sign of his victory and overcoming the enemy ...
Therefore, the food should be served calmly and leave room for the curd until he realizes that this is good deed
It is not an assault on him ...
Wait a little while after the bird finishes eating
The piece presented to him and left the opportunity for him to order more food.
For example, a sympathetic sound or movement indicates that he is asking for more and not taking the initiative to offer more food directly.
There are some times, for example, when your bird is not ready to train.
If you see your bird moving away a little from you, such as moving away to the end of the cage or perch, then I know that it has had enough training and feeding ..
So you should postpone the feeding and return at a later time.
Or if he is in the mood for his explanation or looking for play or movement ..
Or if he was full from eating and became not tempted by the food ..
Then leave it on for a while or gently pat it. Because when the parrot is full, he loves to relax, and one of his relaxation methods is to caress him a little and calmly, and these are among the moments that affect the taming of the curlew and gain him less aggressive behaviors in the future ...
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