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How do we protect our eyes from the danger of rays of phone screens?

 Smartphones have become an essential means for many today to communicate with others, surf the Internet, and do many work-related tasks, but these devices have sometimes harmful effects on health.

 On this subject, the Russian ophthalmologist Marina Tsarigordtseva said: "The blue light emitted by mobile phone screens is harmful to the eye and its safety, and this color, which is a color of the spectrum, has different light waves ranging between blue and violet waves."

 To reduce the harmful effects on eye health when using smartphones for a long time, the doctor recommends wearing medical glasses, especially those used by those who sit for long hours behind computer screens. The lenses of these glasses protect the eyes from the danger of blue and ultraviolet rays emitted from screens.

 Tsarigordtseva indicated that phone users can also rely on some special applications that control the rate of screen brightness while using phones, such as those that adjust the brightness according to the rate of illumination in the place where the phone is used.

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 One of the important tips that must be followed, according to the doctor, is to use moisturizing eye drops when exposed to screens for long periods, and to take breaks during work that requires sitting for hours behind computer screens.

 "Prolonged exposure to blue rays emitted by screens affects the production of the hormone melatonin, which in turn affects sleep, so it is recommended not to use phones two or three hours before bedtime," Tsarigordtseva said.

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