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 Death Island..!

 Grande Quemada Island, or as it is called “Snake Island” or “Killer Island”, is the most horrible and dangerous place in the world, and it is the only island that no drowning person would think of resorting to if he knew the amount of dangers on it.

 Located off the coast of the Brazilian state of São Paulo, the 4-km-long "Snake Island" is the original home of more than 4,000 species of deadly snakes.

 Some reports indicate that you can find one snake per square meter on this deadly island, and this makes it the deadliest island in the world.

 The most terrifying thing is that this island is the main habitat of the “golden spearhead snake”, which is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. This type of snake is 5 times more poisonous than any known snake on the surface of the globe, which It can melt human flesh.

 The "golden snake" is responsible for 90% of deaths caused by snakebites in Brazil, and most of them are due to that fearsome island.

 Geological studies show that that island was 11,000 years ago a part connected to the land within the territory of Brazil, and some types of snakes, including the golden type, moved to it.

  And for geological reasons, this island separated from the land and became isolated, and due to the absence of creatures that prey on those snakes and a disruption in the food pyramid of living organisms on the island, these snakes spread widely.

 Many locals tell horrific stories about the island, and how snakes have wiped out large numbers of people, and even recovering the bodies of the victims was not easy.

 Because it is one of the most dangerous places in the world, humans are forbidden to visit it at all except for a few eel scientists who have a specialized certificate to deal with this type of highly venomous snake, and sometimes a team of Brazilian sailors visit the island as well.

 As for the naval lighthouse on the island, which has been built there since 1909, the Brazilian Navy is primarily responsible for it.

Just be hope full and do not be upset at all
