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 In the past months, treatments for the Corona virus appeared or confirmed their effectiveness against the Coronavirus, and they gave a spark of hope to the inhabitants of society to return to me normal life.

1st Vaccine is SuptinkV: 

Suptnik V It is a vaccine against Coronavirus Disease 2019 developed by the Gamalia National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Research.  The vaccine was registered on August 11, 2020, by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Sputnik V is the world's first registered vaccine based on a well-studied human adenovirus platform, and it is currently ranked on the World Health Organization's list of top ten vaccine candidates nearing the end of clinical testing and the start of expanded production.

40,000 volunteers are participating in the post-registration study of the "Sputnik V" vaccine taking place in Russia

Clinical studies for Sputnik V have been announced in the United Arab Emirates, India, Venezuela and Belarus

The "Sputnik V" vaccine has proven its effectiveness at the level of 91.4% as a result of analyzing the data at the final test point of clinical studies and research. The effectiveness of the "Sputnik V" vaccine against severe and severe cases of infection with the Coronavirus reaches 100%.

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), in cooperation with partners and manufacturers, is working to increase the volume of vaccine production consistently.

As for the cost of a single dose of "Sputnik V" for the international markets, it is less than $ 10 (the "Sputnik" vaccine contains two doses for one person).  The vaccine can be stored as lyophilized (dry) at temperatures +2 to +8 ° C.

More than 50 countries have applied for more than 1.2 billion doses of the Sputnik V vaccine.

The vaccine will be produced for global markets by the international partners of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which are located in India, Brazil, China, South Korea, and other countries.

This site was created in order to provide accurate information and the latest developments regarding the "Sputnik V" vaccine.

2nd Vaccine sinopharm: 

The vaccine was manufactured at the Beijing Institute of Biological Products affiliated with "CNBG", based on a single virus strain from a patient.

About one million people were vaccinated with two experimental vaccines for the Corona virus, without recording any side effects.

 The two drugs belonging to the Chinese National Medicines Group (Biotec Group Sinopharm), did not report any negative or dangerous reactions during clinical trials in any of the ten countries whose volunteers underwent injection, including the UAE, Egypt, Morocco, Bahrain, Jordan, Argentina and Peru.

 And the two drugs that China allowed to give to people in "deemed urgent" situations, such as diplomats, scholarship students and medical teams, the results showed that none of them had contracted the coronavirus despite traveling to more than 150 countries.

"Sinopharma" president Yang Xiaoming told a press conference recently that they had conducted a review of part of the data for the third phase of trials of the two vaccines recently, and the results were good.

 He added: "In emergency use, we have used it on nearly a million people and we have not received any reports of negative or serious reactions, and only a few of them have some mild symptoms."

 While the medical journal "The Lancet" revealed the success of the Chinese vaccine in achieving an immune and safe response after examining the results of clinical trials for the first and second stages.
"More than 600 healthy adults were given an injection called BBIBP, and none of them had a negative reaction, and injection pain was the most common," the scientific journal said in a report.

She added: "All of them produced proven antibodies against the Corona virus," but she did not indicate what the vaccine is, as Sinopharma has two candidate vaccines in the final stages.
 She explained that adults over the age of 60 took longer to boost immunity, but were completely safe from the side effects of the vaccine.
While a study in the "JAMA NETWORK" medical journal about the effect of "Sinopharma" vaccine revealed that it effectively stimulated the production of antibodies and generated strong responses against the virus.
She said: "The Chinese vaccine has demonstrated great tolerability with no serious negative effects associated with it.

3rd Vaccine Pfizer:

It was developed by the American pharmaceutical companies, "Pfizer" and "Biontech" German, and it belongs to the category of vaccines that depend on mRNA technology, and it is not made from the actual Corona virus, but by using the genetic code for the spike protein that covers the surface of the coronavirus.
After injecting with mRNA, the body's cells make some harmless protein, and one dose of the vaccine is enough for the immune system to respond, making it react if it encounters the real virus later.
The final results of clinical trials that were conducted on about 43 thousand revealed that the vaccine achieved an efficacy rate of more than 95%, and it did not record any major serious side effects.
The vaccine is two doses that are injected with an interval of 3 weeks between them, provided that its effectiveness begins after 28 days of vaccination, and the two companies developing the vaccine will produce 50 million doses before the end of 2020, sufficient for about 25 million people, and 1.3 billion doses during 2021.
The announced price for the Pfizer vaccine is 19.5 dollars per dose, and the European Union is expected to grant conditional approval in the second half of December, while the two manufacturers have applied for permission for emergency use in the United States.
The defect of this vaccine is its special storage conditions, as it requires storage at at least 75 degrees Celsius, and injection within 5 days, otherwise it will face damage.
 To overcome this obstacle, Pfizer decided to transfer it via a thermal charger, which is a box that contains dry ice, and can be used for 10 days and is able to renew the dry ice inside it for a long time.

4th Vaccine Oxford :

Developed by the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, it belongs to the class of adenovirus vaccines, as it is based on a chimpanzee adenovirus called ChAdOx1.
In an attempt to obtain a response against "Covid-19", the Oxford vaccine administrators took a harmless virus that infects chimpanzees and was genetically modified to resemble the Corona virus.
AstraZeneca said that this vaccine, which it developed in cooperation with the University of Oxford, showed an average effectiveness of 70% for protection from the virus in two study slides, considering that it may be 90% effective under a single dose regimen.
This vaccine is characterized by being very effective with the elderly group, and it is less expensive than the Pfizer / Biontec and Moderna vaccines, and it is easy to store and does not need to be kept at a low temperature.
The Oxford vaccine will require two doses per person, and each dose is likely to cost about $ 5, and the developer is expected to manufacture about 3 billion doses that will be available during 2021.

 5th Vaccine Moderna: 

Developed by the American biotechnology company Moderna, it belongs to the class of vaccines that use RNA technology, which is a harmless form of bacteria or viruses that cannot cause disease.
In this vaccine, only a small part of the genetic code of the Corona virus is injected into the bloodstream, after which the genetic code will start making viral proteins, but not the entire virus, which is enough to train the immune system to resist.
 According to Moderna data, its effectiveness rate reached 94.5% after conducting the third phase trials on more than 30,000 volunteers.
This vaccine can be kept at a temperature below minus 20 degrees Celsius for 30 days, which means that it can be placed in doctors 'and hospitals' refrigerators easily, and the producing company seeks to sell it at between 25 and 37 dollars per dose.
The company is seeking to obtain a temporary permit to distribute the vaccine within weeks, and it is expected to distribute 500 million doses of the vaccine over the next year.
Just be hope full and do not be upset at all
