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 StarLink Project, the project that will change your Internet usage forever.

Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX, announced that more than 12,000 satellites for the Internet will be launched into space within 3 years. The satellites will cover the entire globe in three-layer orbits, reaching every spot and place on the surface of the earth. The Internet is available to all of them and with superb satellite quality in the form of a WiFi connection.

Internet speed will exceed 100mbps per second, with download capacity of Download Quota exceeding 1TB and amazing prices starting at $ 20 / year !! , And the first step of the project has already begun

First tweet across space using Starlink!

Elon Musk tweeted from the official account via the Starlink satellite! He said, "He sent this tweet through space via the satellites of Starlink," and then he responded with another tweet in which he said: "It worked!"

Of course, it is a nice and useful project for mankind .. But for astronomers a big problem, because the satellites will form the sky and damage astronomical observations, especially radio observations.

Just be hope full and do not be upset at all
